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Separating Fact from Fiction


You can’t assume that testing has been performed on all new turf products in the market. Product claims can be based on non-scientific testimonials and unproven theories. And, you can't afford to make a critical mistake by selecting the wrong turfgrass solution. What's a turf professional to do? Get the analysis of unbiased scientists.

SMS understands your challenge of differentiating marketing hype from proven results. This is why SMS products undergo rigorous University Trials and field-testing. 


Independent Research and Objective Results


University Testing is becoming industry standard for turf professionals. Randomized trials, peer protocol review, results publication and statistical analyses are hallmarks of sound scientific processes you can trust.

SMS wants to empower you to make informed choices about what is best for your turf, so we share the source and results of our product trials and testing. We invite you to dig into the research results.

Please click on a study below to learn more about turfgrass trials completed using SMS Additive Solutions products.

700 Research

The Effect of SMS 700 on Creeping Bentgrass and Soil Water Repellency


-University of Georgia, Dr. Keith J. Karnok


Research Summary: 


SMS 700 effectively reduced soil water repellency with average efficacy between 46-74 days. SMS 700 achieved the result without compromising turfgrass quality or severe turfgrass color reduction.  In this study, SMS 700 was applied at 7.0 fl oz per 1000 sq ft. as per label recommendation.  When a third application of SMS 700 is applied 12 weeks after the initial application, soil water repellency is greatly reduced for up to 6 months.


To View Entire Report: Effect of SMS 700 on Creeping Bentgrass and Soil Water Repellency (Dr. Karnok, University of Georgia)

*Green Arrows indicate SMS 700 Applications 

Evaluation of SMS 700 vs. SMS Experimental Compounds on a Creeping Bentgrass Putting Green


-University of Georgia, Dr. Keith J. Karnok


Research SummarySMS 700 performed consistently in reducing soil repellency. SMS 700 proved 4 times better in retaining turfgrass color than competitors, post treatment. The efficacy of SMS 700 matched market norms of more than 11, but less than 15 weeks.  Following applications, soil analysis revealed reduction in soil water repellency (reduced localized dry spot) for up to 90 days.    


To View Entire Report: Effects of Several Wetting Agents on Creeping Bentgrass and Soil Water Repellency (Dr. Karnok, University of Georgia)

*Green Arrows indicate SMS 700 Applications 

Performance Evaluation of SMS 700 Surfactant for Reduction in Soil Water Repellency 


-University of Georgia, Dr. Gerald Henry


Research Summary: 


SMS 700 significantly reduced soil water repellency following both one application and two applications (7 fl oz per 1000 sq ft.). SMS 700 treatments also resulted in greater root length, up to 18%. Both SMS 700 treatments resulted in better moisture uniformity, even at nine weeks after treatment.  At three weeks after treatment, both SMS 700 treatments resulted in a significantly higher NDVI rating, indicating improved turfgrass density and color.  


To View Entire Report:  Performance Evaluation of SMS 700 Surfactant for Reduction in Soil Water Repellency (Dr. Henry, University of Georgia)

Evaluating SMS 700 on a Creeping Bentgrass Tee


-Turfgrass Disease Solutions, LLC (Steve McDonald)


Research Summary:  This trial was performed at Bellewood Golf Club located in Pottstown, PA.  The trial was on a ‘PennTrio’ creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera) tee with known hydrophobic soils resulting in localized dry spot.  Treatments were applied at 7.0 fl oz/1000 sq ft for a total of 2 applications.  All treatments reduced water repellency and had higher visual turf quality.  Plots treated with SMS 700 showed better quality, less localized dry spot (LDS), and overall higher visible density, compared to the untreated control. 


To View Entire Report: SMS 700 (McDonald)

400 Research

Evaluating SMS 400 vs. Magnus Wetting Agent


-Turfgrass Disease Solutions, LLC (Steve McDonald)


Research Summary:  This trial was performed at Bellewood Golf Club located in Pottstown, PA.  The trial was on a ‘PennTrio’ creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera) tee with known hydrophobic soils resulting in localized dry spot.  SMS 400 and Magnus were applied once at 4.0 fl oz/1000 sq ft.  SMS 400 reduced soil hydrophobicity below that of Magnus treated pots.  SMS 400 improved turfgrass quality, reduced localize dry spot (LDS) and improved turfgrass density.


To View Entire Report: SMS 400 vs Magnus (McDonald)

Representative photo of fairway and approach treated with SMS 400 (Treated), and untreated collar (Untreated). Photo Credit: Ledgerock Golf Club, PA

Evaluating SMS 400 vs. Revolution Wetting Agent


-Turfgrass Disease Solutions, LLC (Steve McDonald)


Research Summary:  This trial was performed at Bellewood Golf Club located in Pottstown, PA.  The trial was on a ‘PennTrio’ creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera) tee with known hydrophobic soils resulting in localized dry spot.  SMS 400 and Revolution were applied once at 6.0 fl oz/1000 sq ft.  Both SMS 400 and Revolution reduced localized dry spot (LDS) and improved turfgrass quality.  SMS 400 reduced soil hydrophobicity more than revolution for up to 6 weeks after treatment.


To View Entire Report: SMS 400 vs Revolution (McDonald)

200 Research

Evaluating SMS 200 vs. DuPlex Wetting Agent


-Turfgrass Disease Solutions, LLC (Steve McDonald)


Research Summary:  This trial was performed at Bellewood Golf Club located in Pottstown, PA.  The trial was on a ‘PennTrio’ creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera) tee with known hydrophobic soils resulting in localized dry spot.  SMS 200 and DuPlex were applied once at 20 and 34 fl oz/Acre, respectively.  Plots treated with SMS 200 showed higher turf quality, improved water penetration, and less localized dry spot.  


To View Entire Report: SMS 200 vs DuPlex (McDonald)

Active Plus Research

SMS Active Plus Improves Fungicide Performance


-Turfgrass Disease Solutions, LLC (Steve McDonald)


Research Summary:  SMS Active Plus achieved complete and lasting dollar spot control when used with a fungicide and demonstrated agronomically less dollar spot compared to fungicide alone.  The fungicides Banner Maxx, and Emerald were used in this study, and when tank mixed with SMS Active Plus , achieved greater disease suppression compared to the respected fungicide alone. 


To View Entire Report: Improving Disease control with SMS Active Plus (Steve McDonald, Turfgrass Disease Solutions)

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