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Apply 15-24 fl oz. per acre every 14-21 days.  Product rate can be adjusted in 2 ounce increments until the desired level of performance is achieved.      


Initial applications should be made prior to the onset of summer stress and localized dry spot (LDS).


SMS 200 can be tank mixed with commonly utilized turfgrass management products, however, a basic jar compatibility test is recommended.

Package Sizes:

2 x 2.5 gallon case

30 gallon drum

265 gallon tote

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Enhanced Infiltration

SMS 200 is is specifically formulated to enhance the infiltration and penetration of irrigation and rainfall.  SMS 200 sequesters a wide range of hard water ions, therefore augmenting infiltration.  As a result, use of  SMS 200 allows the turf manager to maximize net efficiencies from irrigation and fertilizer applications.

Product at a Glance: 

  • Reduces hydrophobicity in the upper soil profile

  • Reduces Localized Dry Spot (LDS)

  • Drastically reduces the need for hand watering or syringing

  • Creates uniform soil moisture

  • Maximizes efficiency of irrigation and fertilizer inputs

  • Enhances seed establishment

  • Tank Mix compatible with other agrichemicals

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