Apply 4.0 fl oz. per 1000 sq ft. in at least 2 gallons of water on 21-28 day intervals.
Initial applications should be made prior to the onset of summer stress and localized dry spot (LDS).
For optimal performance, water-in product immediately with at least 0.125 to 0.5 inches of irrigation.
Package Sizes:
2 x 2.5 gallon case
30 gallon drum
265 gallon tote

Hydration and Infiltration
SMS 400 is a proprietary blend of soil surfactants specifically formulated to target the upper root zone of soil profiles to combat soil hydrophobicity and localized dry spot (LDS).
SMS 400 is designed to produce uniform soil hydration in the upper root zone and to reduce the amount of time spent hand watering or syringing. By improving soil hydration with SMS 400, you maximize the efficiency of irrigation and fertilization inputs.
Product at a Glance:
Reduces hydrophobicity in the upper soil profile
Reduces Localized Dry Spot (LDS)
Drastically reduces the need for hand watering or syringing
Creates uniform soil moisture
Maximizes efficiency of irrigation and fertilizer inputs
Enhances seed establishment
Tank Mix compatible with other agrichemicals